Coaching Football's "Little Things"

Developing a Consistently Successful Football Program

“I Resolve To …..”

Posted by admin July - 24 - 2018 - Tuesday

As the football season kicks off for most teams in the next few weeks, it made me remember how I used to feel as preseason practice approached. For a long time, its approach brought a mix of excitement and fear. In later years, it amounted to excitement and worry. But, as my faith in Jesus increased I was able to approach a new season with joy and anticipation! That’s what faith does! For those of you still in the “worry” stage, let me share a couple of thoughts that I read in my Pastor Bob Gass daily devotional, The Word For You Today.

Hopefully, you have set your goals for the upcoming season. Those should include team goal and personal/individual goals — for your players and you! Remember when you set a goal or, make a resolution… it will only happen when you’re resolute! This means having a “mind that’s made up.” Nothing is going to deter you.

Here are some things that you should consider resolving to do this season:

1- Make time for the important things in your life. Whether it’s God or family or work/teaching, resolve to set aside time each day to focus on the important things/people in your life. I’d even recommend that you have a “date night” with your spouse or girlfriend one night each week! Get enough rest. Find time to exercise. Make time to pray and read your Bible… even if it means getting up 20-30 minutes earlier. It’s worth it.

2- “Divide and conquer.” If you take on too many things at the same time, you are going to get overwhelmed. Then you’ll find yourself losing focus and giving up on certain goals/resolutions that you’ve deemed important. Prioritize. Eliminate. You build on success by mastering one thing at a time.

3- Record your successes and failures. It’s the only way to determine if you’re making progress. You have to even “look back” occasionally to see how far you’ve come. If your progress isn’t where it should be, you can see what you still need to work on. Once you reevaluate, reset your goals and… RE-start!!!

“Never give up… and never give in!!!” Winston Churchill

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