Coaching Football's "Little Things"

Developing a Consistently Successful Football Program

Looking for Inspiration, Part 2

Posted by admin May - 10 - 2010 - Monday

My buddy, Coach Metz from Florida, sent along a couple of his favorite inspirational movie scenes for coaches… so I want to pass them along:

1- Black Hawk Down: At the end of the movie when Hoot says, “People ask me, ‘Hey Hoot, why do you do it?'”

2- Friday Night Lights: At halftime, when Coach Gaines says, “To me, being perfect is not about that scoreboard…” Metz adds that it’s NOT only football, but life!

I want to add: Remember the Titans (particularly since the opening monologue from the Coach’s daughter talks about football in the state of Virginia… MY state!!!) The whole movie is worth showing your team if you have the time. and then… discuss it with your players. But the scene when they are at camp at Gettysburg College and he takes them to the battlefield cemetery is powerful.


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