Coaching Football's "Little Things"

Developing a Consistently Successful Football Program

Giver or Taker?

Posted by admin March - 11 - 2015 - Wednesday

I read something interesting recently that caused me to pause… The opening question was: Are you a Giver or a Taker?

Then the writer said that if I’m not sure how I’d answer that question… to think about this for a minute: Consider certain TV personalities. Even though they may have genuine talent their main motivation is ratings, image or approval. Dan Reiland, a Leadership Coach, says that “If communicators teach out of need, insecurity, ego, or even responsibility, they’re not giving. The needy person wants praise—something the audience must give. The egotistical person wants to be lifted up, to be superior and just a little bit better than everyone else—something the audience must give. Even the person motivated by responsibility wants to be recognized as the faithful worker, to be seen as responsible— something the audience gives. Many communicators teach in one of these modes all the time and aren’t aware of it.

Then there’s the giver. This person teaches out of love, grace, gratitude, compassion, passion and the overflow. These are all giving modes. In each of these modes of the heart the audience doesn’t have to give anything— only receive. The teaching then becomes a gift. It fills and renews.”

As coaches, parents, teachers and leaders of any sort out there reading this, I’ll ask you the same thing: are you a giver or a taker? I encourage you to ask God to help you become a giver and not a taker!

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