Coaching Football's "Little Things"

Developing a Consistently Successful Football Program

Start of Practice!

Posted by admin August - 1 - 2012 - Wednesday

We start practice tomorrow. I’m feeling the normal excitement of getting a new season started… especially since I feel we have a chance to be really good!
Some of you know that I use a “Word of the Week” as both motivator and for character building. I would encourage you to develop something similar. If we’re not teaching values and character (and “Yes!” it IS our job as coaches to teach character!!!) then we are missing out on a crucial component of helping the young men whom we coach to grow into responsible adults.
I simply compile a list of positive character traits (courage, unity, honesty, etc.) and every Monday I write a new word on the white board in our team room. That word becomes the focus of all of my “pep talks” during that week. I find video clips or stories to solidify the significance of developing that trait.
Since we only have 3 days of practice this week, my focus will be on: SUCCESS. I want the players to formulate a definition of success. With those 3 days to use, I’m going to talk about what I think are the “3 components” of success: unity, respect and total effort. They are the foundation for any successful organization. If you can get your people to buy into those 3 traits, you’ll find (particularly when the going gets tough) that your people will find a way to stay on track. However, if they are not unified… President Lincoln said it the best (he took it from the Bible… so I guess GOD said it the best!): “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

It’s a matter of developing and demanding a “BIG Team; little me” attitude among your players. You have to model it and keep teaching it… cuz that attitude goes against the grain in athletics today.

Good luck and God bless you!

One Response to “Start of Practice!”

  1. Fluipseimmite says:

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    アドバタイザー かめのこう こめ しゅうきょう ぞくさい りゅうげんひご
    せいえん ました ひとりぶたい ページ ガール コンセンサス つつがない
    てぎれきん おれめ とろい とくじゅ ヘリングボーン こうする
    ようはつ すっとぶ かんいさいばんしょ ほうもう したはら じんいんせいり
    かいき とっておく まんゆう だいどう ロック ミュージック うらら